Source code for libfmp.b.b_annotation

Module: libfmp.b.b_annotation
Author: Frank Zalkow, Meinard Mueller
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import librosa

import libfmp.b

[docs]def read_csv(fn, header=True, add_label=False): """Read a CSV file in table format and creates a pd.DataFrame from it, with observations in the rows and variables in the columns. Args: fn (str): Filename header (bool): Boolean (Default value = True) add_label (bool): Add column with constant value of `add_label` (Default value = False) Returns: df (pd.DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame """ df = pd.read_csv(fn, sep=';', keep_default_na=False, header=0 if header else None) if add_label: assert 'label' not in df.columns, 'Label column must not exist if `add_label` is True' df = df.assign(label=[add_label] * len(df.index)) return df
[docs]def write_csv(df, fn, header=True): """Write a pd.DataFrame to a CSV file, with observations in the rows and variables in the columns. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame fn (str): Filename header (bool): Boolean (Default value = True) """ df.to_csv(fn, sep=';', index=False, quoting=2, header=header)
[docs]def cut_audio(fn_in, fn_out, start_sec, end_sec, normalize=True, write=True, Fs=22050): """Cut an audio file using specificed start and end time positions and writes the result to a new audio file. Args: fn_in (str): Filename and path for input audio file fn_out (str): Filename and path for input audio file start_sec (float): Start time position (in seconds) of cut end_sec (float): End time position (in seconds) of cut normalize (bool): If True, then normalize audio (with max norm) (Default value = True) write (bool): If True, then write audio (Default value = True) Fs (scalar): Sampling rate of audio (Default value = 22050) Returns: x_cut (np.ndarray): Cut audio """ x_cut, Fs = librosa.load(fn_in, sr=Fs, offset=start_sec, duration=end_sec-start_sec) if normalize is True: x_cut = x_cut / np.max(np.abs(x_cut)) if write is True: libfmp.b.write_audio(fn_out, x_cut, Fs) return x_cut
[docs]def cut_csv_file(fn_in, fn_out, start_sec, end_sec, write=True): """Cut a annotation CSV file (where each row corresponds to the four variables ``start``, ``end``, ``pitch``, and ``label``) using specificed start and end time positions and writes the result to a new CSV file. Args: fn_in (str): Filename and path for input audio file fn_out (str): Filename and path for input audio file start_sec (float): Start time position (in seconds) of cut end_sec (float): End time position (in seconds) of cut write (bool): If True, then write csv file (Default value = True) Returns: ann_cut (list): Cut annotation file """ df = pd.read_csv(fn_in, sep=',', keep_default_na=False, header=None) ann_cut = [] for i, (start, end, pitch, label) in df.iterrows(): if (start > start_sec) and (start < end_sec): ann_cut.append([start-start_sec, min(end, end_sec)-start, int(pitch), 100, str(int(label))]) if write: columns = ['Start', 'Duration', 'Pitch', 'Velocity', 'Instrument'] df_out = pd.DataFrame(ann_cut, columns=columns) df_out['Start'] = df_out['Start'].map('{:,.3f}'.format) df_out['Duration'] = df_out['Duration'].map('{:,.3f}'.format) df_out.to_csv(fn_out, sep=';', index=False) return ann_cut