Source code for libfmp.b.b_sonification

Module: libfmp.b.b_sonification
Author: Meinard Mueller, Tim Zunner
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (

import numpy as np

[docs]def list_to_chromagram(note_list, num_frames, frame_rate): """Create a chromagram matrix as np.ndarray from a list of note events. Args: note_list (list): A list of note events (e.g. gathered from a CSV file by :func:`libfmp.c1.c1s2_symbolic_rep.csv_to_list`) num_frames (int): Desired number of frames for the matrix frame_rate (float): Frame rate for C (in Hz) Returns: C (np.ndarray): Chromagram matrix """ C = np.zeros((12, num_frames)) for l in note_list: start_frame = max(0, int(l[0] * frame_rate)) end_frame = min(num_frames, int((l[0] + l[1]) * frame_rate) + 1) C[int(l[2] % 12), start_frame:end_frame] = 1 return C
[docs]def generate_shepard_tone(chromaNum, Fs, N, weight=1, Fc=440, sigma=15, phase=0): """Generate a shepard tone signal as np.ndarray. Args: chromaNum (int): 1=C,... Fs (scalar): Sampling frequency N (int): Desired length (in samples) weight (float): Scaling factor [0:1] (Default value = 1) Fc (float): Frequency for A4 (Default value = 440) sigma (float): Parameter for envelope of Shepard tone (Default value = 15) phase (float): Phase of sine (Default value = 0) Returns: tone (np.ndarray): Shepard tone """ tone = np.zeros(N) # Envelope function for Shepard tones p = 24 + chromaNum if p > 32: p = p - 12 while p < 108: scale_factor = 1 / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma) A = scale_factor * np.exp(-(p - 60) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2)) f_axis = np.arange(N) / Fs sine = np.sin(2 * np.pi * np.power(2, ((p - 69) / 12)) * Fc * (f_axis + phase)) tmp = weight * A * sine tone = tone + tmp p = p + 12 return tone
[docs]def sonify_chromagram(chroma_data, N, frame_rate, Fs, fading_msec=5): """Generate a sonification of the chroma features from a chromagram matrix using shepard tones. Args: chroma_data (np.ndarray): A chromagram (e.g., gathered from a list of note events by :func:`libfmp.b.b_sonification.list_to_chromagram`) N (int): Length of the sonification (in samples) frame_rate (float): Frame rate for P (in Hz) Fs (float): Sampling frequency (in Hz) fading_msec (float): The length of the fade in and fade out for sonified tones (in msec) (Default value = 5) Returns: chroma_son (np.ndarray): Sonification of the chromagram """ chroma_son = np.zeros((N,)) fade_sample = int(fading_msec / 1000 * Fs) for i in range(12): if np.sum(np.abs(chroma_data[i, :])) > 0: shepard_tone = generate_shepard_tone(i, Fs, N) weights = np.zeros((N,)) for j in range(chroma_data.shape[1]): if np.abs(chroma_data[i, j]) > 0: start = min(N, max(0, int((j - 0.5) * Fs / frame_rate))) end = min(N, int((j + 0.5) * Fs / frame_rate)) fade_start = min(N, max(0, start+fade_sample)) fade_end = min(N, end+fade_sample) weights[fade_start:end] += chroma_data[i, j] weights[start:fade_start] += np.linspace(0, chroma_data[i, j], fade_start-start) weights[end:fade_end] += np.linspace(chroma_data[i, j], 0, fade_end-end) chroma_son += shepard_tone * weights chroma_son = chroma_son / np.max(np.abs(chroma_son)) return chroma_son
[docs]def sonify_chromagram_with_signal(chroma_data, x, frame_rate, Fs, fading_msec=5, stereo=True): """Sonifiy the chroma features from a chromagram matrix (using :func:`libfmp.b.b_sonification.sonify_chromagram`) together with a corresponding signal. Args: chroma_data (np.ndarray): A chromagram (e.g., gathered from a list of note events by :func:`libfmp.b.b_sonification.list_to_chromagram`) x (np.ndarray): Original signal frame_rate (float): Frame rate for P (in Hz) Fs (float): Sampling frequency (in Hz) fading_msec (float): The length of the fade in and fade out for sonified tones (in msec) (Default value = 5) stereo (bool): Decision between stereo and mono sonification (Default value = True) Returns: chroma_son (np.ndarray): Sonification of the chromagram out (np.ndarray): Sonification combined with the original signal """ N = x.size chroma_son = sonify_chromagram(chroma_data, N, frame_rate, Fs, fading_msec=fading_msec) chroma_scaled = chroma_son * np.sqrt(np.mean(x**2)) / np.sqrt(np.mean(chroma_son**2)) if stereo: out = np.vstack((x, chroma_scaled)) else: out = x + chroma_scaled out = out / np.amax(np.abs(out)) return chroma_son, out
[docs]def list_to_pitch_activations(note_list, num_frames, frame_rate): """Create a pitch activation matrix from a list of note events. Args: note_list (list): A list of note events (e.g., gathered from a CSV file by :func:`libfmp.c1.c1s2_symbolic_rep.csv_to_list`) num_frames (int): Desired number of frames for the matrix frame_rate (float): Frame rate for P (in Hz) Returns: P (np.ndarray): Pitch activation matrix (first axis: Indexed by [0:127], encoding MIDI pitches [1:128]) F_coef_MIDI (np.ndarray): MIDI pitch axis """ P = np.zeros((128, num_frames)) F_coef_MIDI = np.arange(128) + 1 for l in note_list: start_frame = max(0, int(l[0] * frame_rate)) end_frame = min(num_frames, int((l[0] + l[1]) * frame_rate) + 1) P[int(l[2]-1), start_frame:end_frame] = 1 return P, F_coef_MIDI
[docs]def sonify_pitch_activations(P, N, frame_rate, Fs, min_pitch=1, Fc=440, harmonics_weights=[1], fading_msec=5): """Sonify the pitches from a pitch activation matrix using sinusoidals. Args: P (np.ndarray): A pitch activation matrix (e.g., gathered from a list of note events by :func:`libfmp.b.b_sonification.list_to_pitch_activations`). First axis: Indexed by [0:127], encoding MIDI pitches [1:128] N (int): Length of the sonification (in samples) frame_rate (float): Frame rate for P (in Hz) Fs (float): Sampling frequency (in Hz) min_pitch (int): Lowest MIDI pitch in P (Default value = 1) Fc (float): Tuning frequency (in Hz) (Default value = 440) harmonics_weights (list): A list of weights for the harmonics of the tones to be sonified (Default value = [1]) fading_msec (float): The length of the fade in and fade out for sonified tones (in msec) (Default value = 5) Returns: pitch_son (np.ndarray): Sonification of the pitch activation matrix """ fade_sample = int(fading_msec / 1000 * Fs) pitch_son = np.zeros((N,)) for p in range(P.shape[0]): if np.sum(np.abs(P[p, :])) > 0: pitch = min_pitch + p freq = (2 ** ((pitch - 69) / 12)) * Fc sin_tone = np.zeros((N,)) for i, cur_harmonic_weight in enumerate(harmonics_weights): sin_tone += cur_harmonic_weight * np.sin(2 * np.pi * (i+1) * freq * np.arange(N) / Fs) weights = np.zeros((N,)) for n in range(P.shape[1]): if np.abs(P[p, n]) > 0: start = min(N, max(0, int((n - 0.5) * Fs / frame_rate))) end = min(N, int((n + 0.5) * Fs / frame_rate)) fade_start = min(N, start+fade_sample) fade_end = min(N, end+fade_sample) weights[fade_start:end] += P[p, n] weights[start:fade_start] += np.linspace(0, P[p, n], fade_start-start) weights[end:fade_end] += np.linspace(P[p, n], 0, fade_end-end) pitch_son += weights * sin_tone pitch_son = pitch_son / np.max(np.abs(pitch_son)) return pitch_son
[docs]def sonify_pitch_activations_with_signal(P, x, frame_rate, Fs, min_pitch=1, Fc=440, harmonics_weights=[1], fading_msec=5, stereo=True): """Sonify the pitches from a pitch activation matrix (using :func:`libfmp.b.b_sonification.sonify_pitch_activations`) together with a corresponding signal. Args: P (np.ndarray): A pitch activation matrix (e.g., gathered from a list of note events by :func:`libfmp.b.b_sonification.list_to_pitch_activations`) x (np.ndarray): Original signal frame_rate (float): Frame rate for P (in Hz) Fs (float): Sampling frequency (in Hz) min_pitch (int): Lowest MIDI pitch in P (Default value = 1) Fc (float): Tuning frequency (in Hz) (Default value = 440) harmonics_weights (list): A list of weights for the harmonics of the tones to be sonified (Default value = [1]) fading_msec (float): The length of the fade in and fade out for sonified tones (in msec) (Default value = 5) stereo (bool): Decision between stereo and mono sonification (Default value = True) Returns: pitch_son (np.ndarray): Sonification of the pitch activation matrix out (np.ndarray): Sonification combined with the original signal """ N = x.size pitch_son = sonify_pitch_activations(P, N, frame_rate, Fs, min_pitch=min_pitch, Fc=Fc, harmonics_weights=harmonics_weights, fading_msec=fading_msec) pitch_scaled = pitch_son * np.sqrt(np.mean(x**2)) / np.sqrt(np.mean(pitch_son**2)) if stereo: out = np.vstack((x, pitch_scaled)) else: out = x + pitch_scaled return pitch_son, out