Source code for libfmp.c1.c1s3_audio_rep

Module: libfmp.c1.c1s3_audio_rep
Author: Meinard Müller
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import librosa
import IPython.display as ipd

[docs]def f_pitch(p): """Compute center frequency for (single or array of) MIDI note numbers Notebook: C1/C1S3_FrequencyPitch.ipynb Args: p (float or np.ndarray): MIDI note numbers Returns: freq_center (float or np.ndarray): Center frequency """ freq_center = 2 ** ((p - 69) / 12) * 440 return freq_center
[docs]def difference_cents(freq_1, freq_2): """Difference between two frequency values specified in cents Notebook: C1/C1S3_FrequencyPitch.ipynb Args: freq_1 (float): First frequency freq_2 (float): Second frequency Returns: delta (float): Difference in cents """ delta = np.log2(freq_1 / freq_2) * 1200 return delta
[docs]def generate_sinusoid(dur=5, Fs=1000, amp=1, freq=1, phase=0): """Generation of sinusoid Notebook: C1/C1S3_FrequencyPitch.ipynb Args: dur (float): Duration (in seconds) (Default value = 5) Fs (scalar): Sampling rate (Default value = 1000) amp (float): Amplitude of sinusoid (Default value = 1) freq (float): Frequency of sinusoid (Default value = 1) phase (float): Phase of sinusoid (Default value = 0) Returns: x (np.ndarray): Signal t (np.ndarray): Time axis (in seconds) """ num_samples = int(Fs * dur) t = np.arange(num_samples) / Fs x = amp * np.sin(2*np.pi*(freq*t-phase)) return x, t
[docs]def compute_power_db(x, Fs, win_len_sec=0.1, power_ref=10**(-12)): """Computation of the signal power in dB Notebook: C1/C1S3_Dynamics.ipynb Args: x (np.ndarray): Signal (waveform) to be analyzed Fs (scalar): Sampling rate win_len_sec (float): Length (seconds) of the window (Default value = 0.1) power_ref (float): Reference power level (0 dB) (Default value = 10**(-12)) Returns: power_db (np.ndarray): Signal power in dB """ win_len = round(win_len_sec * Fs) win = np.ones(win_len) / win_len power_db = 10 * np.log10(np.convolve(x**2, win, mode='same') / power_ref) return power_db
[docs]def compute_equal_loudness_contour(freq_min=30, freq_max=15000, num_points=100): """Computation of the equal loudness contour Notebook: C1/C1S3_Dynamics.ipynb Args: freq_min (float): Lowest frequency to be evaluated (Default value = 30) freq_max (float): Highest frequency to be evaluated (Default value = 15000) num_points (int): Number of evaluation points (Default value = 100) Returns: equal_loudness_contour (np.ndarray): Equal loudness contour (in dB) freq_range (np.ndarray): Evaluated frequency points """ freq_range = np.logspace(np.log10(freq_min), np.log10(freq_max), num=num_points) freq = 1000 # Function D from h_freq = ((1037918.48 - freq**2)**2 + 1080768.16 * freq**2) / ((9837328 - freq**2)**2 + 11723776 * freq**2) n_freq = (freq / (6.8966888496476 * 10**(-5))) * np.sqrt(h_freq / ((freq**2 + 79919.29) * (freq**2 + 1345600))) h_freq_range = ((1037918.48 - freq_range**2)**2 + 1080768.16 * freq_range**2) / ((9837328 - freq_range**2)**2 + 11723776 * freq_range**2) n_freq_range = (freq_range / (6.8966888496476 * 10**(-5))) * np.sqrt(h_freq_range / ((freq_range**2 + 79919.29) * (freq_range**2 + 1345600))) equal_loudness_contour = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(n_freq / n_freq_range)) return equal_loudness_contour, freq_range
[docs]def generate_chirp_exp(dur, freq_start, freq_end, Fs=22050): """Generation chirp with exponential frequency increase Notebook: C1/C1S3_Dynamics.ipynb Args: dur (float): Length (seconds) of the signal freq_start (float): Start frequency of the chirp freq_end (float): End frequency of the chirp Fs (scalar): Sampling rate (Default value = 22050) Returns: x (np.ndarray): Generated chirp signal t (np.ndarray): Time axis (in seconds) freq (np.ndarray): Instant frequency (in Hz) """ N = int(dur * Fs) t = np.arange(N) / Fs freq = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(freq_start), np.log(freq_end), N)) phases = np.zeros(N) for n in range(1, N): phases[n] = phases[n-1] + 2 * np.pi * freq[n-1] / Fs x = np.sin(phases) return x, t, freq
[docs]def generate_chirp_exp_equal_loudness(dur, freq_start, freq_end, Fs=22050): """Generation chirp with exponential frequency increase and equal loudness Notebook: C1/C1S3_Dynamics.ipynb Args: dur (float): Length (seconds) of the signal freq_start (float): Starting frequency of the chirp freq_end (float): End frequency of the chirp Fs (scalar): Sampling rate (Default value = 22050) Returns: x (np.ndarray): Generated chirp signal t (np.ndarray): Time axis (in seconds) freq (np.ndarray): Instant frequency (in Hz) intensity (np.ndarray): Instant intensity of the signal """ N = int(dur * Fs) t = np.arange(N) / Fs intensity, freq = compute_equal_loudness_contour(freq_min=freq_start, freq_max=freq_end, num_points=N) amp = 10**(intensity / 20) phases = np.zeros(N) for n in range(1, N): phases[n] = phases[n-1] + 2 * np.pi * freq[n-1] / Fs x = amp * np.sin(phases) return x, t, freq, intensity
[docs]def compute_adsr(len_A=10, len_D=10, len_S=60, len_R=10, height_A=1.0, height_S=0.5): """Computation of idealized ADSR model Notebook: C1/C1S3_Timbre.ipynb Args: len_A (int): Length (samples) of A phase (Default value = 10) len_D (int): Length (samples) of D phase (Default value = 10) len_S (int): Length (samples) of S phase (Default value = 60) len_R (int): Length (samples) of R phase (Default value = 10) height_A (float): Height of A phase (Default value = 1.0) height_S (float): Height of S phase (Default value = 0.5) Returns: curve_ADSR (np.ndarray): ADSR model """ curve_A = np.arange(len_A) * height_A / len_A curve_D = height_A - np.arange(len_D) * (height_A - height_S) / len_D curve_S = np.ones(len_S) * height_S curve_R = height_S * (1 - np.arange(1, len_R + 1) / len_R) curve_ADSR = np.concatenate((curve_A, curve_D, curve_S, curve_R)) return curve_ADSR
[docs]def compute_envelope(x, win_len_sec=0.01, Fs=4000): """Computation of a signal's envelopes Notebook: C1/C1S3_Timbre.ipynb Args: x (np.ndarray): Signal (waveform) to be analyzed win_len_sec (float): Length (seconds) of the window (Default value = 0.01) Fs (scalar): Sampling rate (Default value = 4000) Returns: env (np.ndarray): Magnitude envelope env_upper (np.ndarray): Upper envelope env_lower (np.ndarray): Lower envelope """ win_len_half = round(win_len_sec * Fs * 0.5) N = x.shape[0] env = np.zeros(N) env_upper = np.zeros(N) env_lower = np.zeros(N) for i in range(N): i_start = max(0, i - win_len_half) i_end = min(N, i + win_len_half) env[i] = np.amax(np.abs(x)[i_start:i_end]) env_upper[i] = np.amax(x[i_start:i_end]) env_lower[i] = np.amin(x[i_start:i_end]) return env, env_upper, env_lower
[docs]def compute_plot_envelope(x, win_len_sec, Fs, figsize=(6, 3), title=''): """Computation and subsequent plotting of a signal's envelope Notebook: C1/C1S3_Timbre.ipynb Args: x (np.ndarray): Signal (waveform) to be analyzed win_len_sec (float): Length (seconds) of the window Fs (scalar): Sampling rate figsize (tuple): Size of the figure (Default value = (6, 3)) title (str): Title of the figure (Default value = '') Returns: fig (mpl.figure.Figure): Generated figure """ t = np.arange(x.size)/Fs env, env_upper, env_lower = compute_envelope(x, win_len_sec=win_len_sec, Fs=Fs) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.plot(t, x, color='gray', label='Waveform') plt.plot(t, env_upper, linewidth=2, color='cyan', label='Upper envelope') plt.plot(t, env_lower, linewidth=2, color='blue', label='Lower envelope') plt.plot(t, env, linewidth=2, color='red', label='Magnitude envelope') plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('Time (seconds)') plt.ylabel('Amplitude') plt.xlim([t[0], t[-1]]) plt.ylim([-0.7, 0.7]) plt.legend(loc='lower right') ipd.display(ipd.Audio(data=x, rate=Fs)) return fig
[docs]def generate_sinusoid_vibrato(dur=5, Fs=1000, amp=0.5, freq=440, vib_amp=1, vib_rate=5): """Generation of a sinusoid signal with vibrato Notebook: C1/C1S3_Timbre.ipynb Args: dur (float): Duration (in seconds) (Default value = 5) Fs (scalar): Sampling rate (Default value = 1000) amp (float): Amplitude of sinusoid (Default value = 0.5) freq (float): Frequency (Hz) of sinusoid (Default value = 440) vib_amp (float): Amplitude (Hz) of the frequency oscillation (Default value = 1) vib_rate (float): Rate (Hz) of the frequency oscillation (Default value = 5) Returns: x (np.ndarray): Generated signal t (np.ndarray): Time axis (in seconds) """ num_samples = int(Fs * dur) t = np.arange(num_samples) / Fs freq_vib = freq + vib_amp * np.sin(t * 2 * np.pi * vib_rate) phase_vib = np.zeros(num_samples) for i in range(1, num_samples): phase_vib[i] = phase_vib[i-1] + 2 * np.pi * freq_vib[i-1] / Fs x = amp * np.sin(phase_vib) return x, t
[docs]def generate_sinusoid_tremolo(dur=5, Fs=1000, amp=0.5, freq=440, trem_amp=0.1, trem_rate=5): """Generation of a sinusoid signal with tremolo Notebook: C1/C1S3_Timbre.ipynb Args: dur (float): Duration (in seconds) (Default value = 5) Fs (scalar): Sampling rate (Default value = 1000) amp (float): Amplitude of sinusoid (Default value = 0.5) freq (float): Frequency (Hz) of sinusoid (Default value = 440) trem_amp (float): Amplitude of the amplitude oscillation (Default value = 0.1) trem_rate (float): Rate (Hz) of the amplitude oscillation (Default value = 5) Returns: x (np.ndarray): Generated signal t (np.ndarray): Time axis (in seconds) """ num_samples = int(Fs * dur) t = np.arange(num_samples) / Fs amps = amp + trem_amp * np.sin(t * 2 * np.pi * trem_rate) x = amps * np.sin(2*np.pi*(freq*t)) return x, t
[docs]def generate_tone(p=60, weight_harmonic=np.ones([16, 1]), Fs=11025, dur=2): """Generation of a tone with harmonics Notebook: C1/C1S3_Timbre.ipynb Args: p (float): MIDI pitch of the tone (Default value = 60) weight_harmonic (np.ndarray): Weights for the different harmonics (Default value = np.ones([16, 1]) Fs (scalar): Sampling frequency (Default value = 11025) dur (float): Duration (seconds) of the signal (Default value = 2) Returns: x (np.ndarray): Generated signal t (np.ndarray): Time axis (in seconds) """ freq = 2 ** ((p - 69) / 12) * 440 num_samples = int(Fs * dur) t = np.arange(num_samples) / Fs x = np.zeros(t.shape) for h, w in enumerate(weight_harmonic): x = x + w * np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * (h + 1) * t) return x, t
[docs]def plot_spectrogram(x, Fs=11025, N=4096, H=2048, figsize=(4, 2)): """Computation and subsequent plotting of the spectrogram of a signal Notebook: C1/C1S3_Timbre.ipynb Args: x: Signal (waveform) to be analyzed Fs: Sampling rate (Default value = 11025) N: FFT length (Default value = 4096) H: Hopsize (Default value = 2048) figsize: Size of the figure (Default value = (4, 2)) """ N, H = 2048, 1024 X = librosa.stft(x, n_fft=N, hop_length=H, win_length=N, window='hann') Y = np.abs(X) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) librosa.display.specshow(librosa.amplitude_to_db(Y, ref=np.max), y_axis='linear', x_axis='time', sr=Fs, hop_length=H, cmap='gray_r') plt.ylim([0, 3000]) # plt.colorbar(format='%+2.0f dB') plt.xlabel('Time (seconds)') plt.ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.tight_layout()