Source code for libfmp.c2.c2_interpolation

Module: libfmp.c2.C2_interpolation
Author: Meinard Müller
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]def compute_f_coef_linear(N, Fs, rho=1): """Refines the frequency vector by factor of rho Notebook: C2/C2_STFT-FreqGridInterpol.ipynb Args: N (int): Window size Fs (scalar): Sampling rate rho (int): Factor for refinement (Default value = 1) Returns: F_coef_new (np.ndarray): Refined frequency vector """ L = rho * N F_coef_new = np.arange(0, L//2+1) * Fs / L return F_coef_new
[docs]def compute_f_coef_log(R, F_min, F_max): """Adapts the frequency vector in a logarithmic fashion Notebook: C2/C2_STFT-FreqGridInterpol.ipynb Args: R (scalar): Resolution (cents) F_min (float): Minimum frequency F_max (float): Maximum frequency (not included) Returns: F_coef_log (np.ndarray): Refined frequency vector with values given in Hz) F_coef_cents (np.ndarray): Refined frequency vector with values given in cents. Note: F_min serves as reference (0 cents) """ n_bins = np.ceil(1200 * np.log2(F_max / F_min) / R).astype(int) F_coef_log = 2 ** (np.arange(0, n_bins) * R / 1200) * F_min F_coef_cents = 1200 * np.log2(F_coef_log / F_min) return F_coef_log, F_coef_cents
[docs]def interpolate_freq_stft(Y, F_coef, F_coef_new): """Interpolation of STFT along frequency axis Notebook: C2/C2_STFT-FreqGridInterpol.ipynb Args: Y (np.ndarray): Magnitude STFT F_coef (np.ndarray): Vector of frequency values F_coef_new (np.ndarray): Vector of new frequency values Returns: Y_interpol (np.ndarray): Interploated magnitude STFT """ compute_Y_interpol = interp1d(F_coef, Y, kind='cubic', axis=0) Y_interpol = compute_Y_interpol(F_coef_new) return Y_interpol