Source code for libfmp.c3.c3s1_post_processing

Module: libfmp.c3.c3s1_post_processing
Author: Meinard Müller
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from numba import jit

[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def log_compression(v, gamma=1.0): """Logarithmically compresses a value or array Notebook: C3/C3S1_LogCompression.ipynb Args: v (float or np.ndarray): Value or array gamma (float): Compression factor (Default value = 1.0) Returns: v_compressed (float or np.ndarray): Compressed value or array """ return np.log(1 + gamma * v)
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def normalize_feature_sequence(X, norm='2', threshold=0.0001, v=None): """Normalizes the columns of a feature sequence Notebook: C3/C3S1_FeatureNormalization.ipynb Args: X (np.ndarray): Feature sequence norm (str): The norm to be applied. '1', '2', 'max' or 'z' (Default value = '2') threshold (float): An threshold below which the vector ``v`` used instead of normalization (Default value = 0.0001) v (float): Used instead of normalization below ``threshold``. If None, uses unit vector for given norm (Default value = None) Returns: X_norm (np.ndarray): Normalized feature sequence """ assert norm in ['1', '2', 'max', 'z'] K, N = X.shape X_norm = np.zeros((K, N)) if norm == '1': if v is None: v = np.ones(K, dtype=np.float64) / K for n in range(N): s = np.sum(np.abs(X[:, n])) if s > threshold: X_norm[:, n] = X[:, n] / s else: X_norm[:, n] = v if norm == '2': if v is None: v = np.ones(K, dtype=np.float64) / np.sqrt(K) for n in range(N): s = np.sqrt(np.sum(X[:, n] ** 2)) if s > threshold: X_norm[:, n] = X[:, n] / s else: X_norm[:, n] = v if norm == 'max': if v is None: v = np.ones(K, dtype=np.float64) for n in range(N): s = np.max(np.abs(X[:, n])) if s > threshold: X_norm[:, n] = X[:, n] / s else: X_norm[:, n] = v if norm == 'z': if v is None: v = np.zeros(K, dtype=np.float64) for n in range(N): mu = np.sum(X[:, n]) / K sigma = np.sqrt(np.sum((X[:, n] - mu) ** 2) / (K - 1)) if sigma > threshold: X_norm[:, n] = (X[:, n] - mu) / sigma else: X_norm[:, n] = v return X_norm
[docs]def smooth_downsample_feature_sequence(X, Fs, filt_len=41, down_sampling=10, w_type='boxcar'): """Smoothes and downsamples a feature sequence. Smoothing is achieved by convolution with a filter kernel Notebook: C3/C3S1_FeatureSmoothing.ipynb Args: X (np.ndarray): Feature sequence Fs (scalar): Frame rate of ``X`` filt_len (int): Length of smoothing filter (Default value = 41) down_sampling (int): Downsampling factor (Default value = 10) w_type (str): Window type of smoothing filter (Default value = 'boxcar') Returns: X_smooth (np.ndarray): Smoothed and downsampled feature sequence Fs_feature (scalar): Frame rate of ``X_smooth`` """ filt_kernel = np.expand_dims(signal.get_window(w_type, filt_len), axis=0) X_smooth = signal.convolve(X, filt_kernel, mode='same') / filt_len X_smooth = X_smooth[:, ::down_sampling] Fs_feature = Fs / down_sampling return X_smooth, Fs_feature
[docs]def median_downsample_feature_sequence(X, Fs, filt_len=41, down_sampling=10): """Smoothes and downsamples a feature sequence. Smoothing is achieved by median filtering Notebook: C3/C3S1_FeatureSmoothing.ipynb Args: X (np.ndarray): Feature sequence Fs (scalar): Frame rate of ``X`` filt_len (int): Length of smoothing filter (Default value = 41) down_sampling (int): Downsampling factor (Default value = 10) Returns: X_smooth (np.ndarray): Smoothed and downsampled feature sequence Fs_feature (scalar): Frame rate of ``X_smooth`` """ assert filt_len % 2 == 1 # L needs to be odd filt_len = [1, filt_len] X_smooth = signal.medfilt2d(X, filt_len) X_smooth = X_smooth[:, ::down_sampling] Fs_feature = Fs / down_sampling return X_smooth, Fs_feature