Source code for libfmp.c3.c3s2_dtw

Module: libfmp.c3.c3s2_dtw
Author: Meinard Mueller, Frank Zalkow
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (
from numba import jit
import numpy as np
import scipy

[docs]def compute_cost_matrix(X, Y, metric='euclidean'): """Compute the cost matrix of two feature sequences Notebook: C3/C3S2_DTWbasic.ipynb Args: X (np.ndarray): Sequence 1 Y (np.ndarray): Sequence 2 metric (str): Cost metric, a valid strings for scipy.spatial.distance.cdist (Default value = 'euclidean') Returns: C (np.ndarray): Cost matrix """ X, Y = np.atleast_2d(X, Y) C = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(X.T, Y.T, metric=metric) return C
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def compute_accumulated_cost_matrix(C): """Compute the accumulated cost matrix given the cost matrix Notebook: C3/C3S2_DTWbasic.ipynb Args: C (np.ndarray): Cost matrix Returns: D (np.ndarray): Accumulated cost matrix """ N = C.shape[0] M = C.shape[1] D = np.zeros((N, M)) D[0, 0] = C[0, 0] for n in range(1, N): D[n, 0] = D[n-1, 0] + C[n, 0] for m in range(1, M): D[0, m] = D[0, m-1] + C[0, m] for n in range(1, N): for m in range(1, M): D[n, m] = C[n, m] + min(D[n-1, m], D[n, m-1], D[n-1, m-1]) return D
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def compute_optimal_warping_path(D): """Compute the warping path given an accumulated cost matrix Notebook: C3/C3S2_DTWbasic.ipynb Args: D (np.ndarray): Accumulated cost matrix Returns: P (np.ndarray): Optimal warping path """ N = D.shape[0] M = D.shape[1] n = N - 1 m = M - 1 P = [(n, m)] while n > 0 or m > 0: if n == 0: cell = (0, m - 1) elif m == 0: cell = (n - 1, 0) else: val = min(D[n-1, m-1], D[n-1, m], D[n, m-1]) if val == D[n-1, m-1]: cell = (n-1, m-1) elif val == D[n-1, m]: cell = (n-1, m) else: cell = (n, m-1) P.append(cell) (n, m) = cell P.reverse() return np.array(P)
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def compute_accumulated_cost_matrix_21(C): """Compute the accumulated cost matrix given the cost matrix Notebook: C3/C3S2_DTWvariants.ipynb Args: C (np.ndarray): Cost matrix Returns: D (np.ndarray): Accumulated cost matrix """ N = C.shape[0] M = C.shape[1] D = np.zeros((N + 2, M + 2)) D[:, 0:2] = np.inf D[0:2, :] = np.inf D[2, 2] = C[0, 0] for n in range(N): for m in range(M): if n == 0 and m == 0: continue D[n+2, m+2] = C[n, m] + min(D[n-1+2, m-1+2], D[n-2+2, m-1+2], D[n-1+2, m-2+2]) D = D[2:, 2:] return D
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def compute_optimal_warping_path_21(D): """Compute the warping path given an accumulated cost matrix Notebook: C3/C3S2_DTWvariants.ipynb Args: D (np.ndarray): Accumulated cost matrix Returns: P (np.ndarray): Optimal warping path """ N = D.shape[0] M = D.shape[1] n = N - 1 m = M - 1 P = [(n, m)] while n > 0 or m > 0: if n == 0: cell = (0, m - 1) elif m == 0: cell = (n - 1, 0) else: val = min(D[n-1, m-1], D[n-2, m-1], D[n-1, m-2]) if val == D[n-1, m-1]: cell = (n-1, m-1) elif val == D[n-2, m-1]: cell = (n-2, m-1) else: cell = (n-1, m-2) P.append(cell) (n, m) = cell P.reverse() P = np.array(P) return P