Source code for libfmp.c4.c4s2_threshold

Module: libfmp.c4.c4s2_threshold
Author: Meinard Müller
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (
import numpy as np

[docs]def threshold_matrix_relative(S, thresh_rel=0.2, details=False): """Treshold matrix in a relative fashion Notebook: C4/C4S2_SSM-Thresholding.ipynb Args: S (np.ndarray): Input matrix thresh_rel (float): Relative treshold (Default value = 0.2) details (bool): Print details on thresholding procedure (Default value = False) Returns: S_thresh (np.ndarray): Thresholded matrix thresh_abs (float): Absolute threshold used for thresholding """ S_thresh = np.copy(S) num_cells_below_thresh = int(np.round(S_thresh.size*(1-thresh_rel))) values_sorted = np.sort(S_thresh.flatten('F')) thresh_abs = values_sorted[num_cells_below_thresh] S_thresh[S_thresh < thresh_abs] = 0 if details: print('thresh_rel=%0.2f, thresh_abs=%d, total_num_cells=%d, num_cells_below_thresh=%d, ' % (thresh_rel, thresh_abs, S_thresh.size, num_cells_below_thresh)) return S_thresh, thresh_abs
[docs]def threshold_matrix(S, thresh, strategy='absolute', scale=False, penalty=0.0, binarize=False): """Treshold matrix in a relative fashion Notebook: C4/C4S2_SSM-Thresholding.ipynb Args: S (np.ndarray): Input matrix thresh (float or list): Treshold (meaning depends on strategy) strategy (str): Thresholding strategy ('absolute', 'relative', 'local') (Default value = 'absolute') scale (bool): If scale=True, then scaling of positive values to range [0,1] (Default value = False) penalty (float): Set values below treshold to value specified (Default value = 0.0) binarize (bool): Binarizes final matrix (positive: 1; otherwise: 0) (Default value = False) Returns: S_thresh (np.ndarray): Thresholded matrix """ if np.min(S) < 0: raise Exception('All entries of the input matrix must be nonnegative') S_thresh = np.copy(S) N, M = S.shape num_cells = N * M if strategy == 'absolute': thresh_abs = thresh S_thresh[S_thresh < thresh] = 0 if strategy == 'relative': thresh_rel = thresh num_cells_below_thresh = int(np.round(S_thresh.size*(1-thresh_rel))) if num_cells_below_thresh < num_cells: values_sorted = np.sort(S_thresh.flatten('F')) thresh_abs = values_sorted[num_cells_below_thresh] S_thresh[S_thresh < thresh_abs] = 0 else: S_thresh = np.zeros([N, M]) if strategy == 'local': thresh_rel_row = thresh[0] thresh_rel_col = thresh[1] S_binary_row = np.zeros([N, M]) num_cells_row_below_thresh = int(np.round(M * (1-thresh_rel_row))) for n in range(N): row = S[n, :] values_sorted = np.sort(row) if num_cells_row_below_thresh < M: thresh_abs = values_sorted[num_cells_row_below_thresh] S_binary_row[n, :] = (row >= thresh_abs) S_binary_col = np.zeros([N, M]) num_cells_col_below_thresh = int(np.round(N * (1-thresh_rel_col))) for m in range(M): col = S[:, m] values_sorted = np.sort(col) if num_cells_col_below_thresh < N: thresh_abs = values_sorted[num_cells_col_below_thresh] S_binary_col[:, m] = (col >= thresh_abs) S_thresh = S * S_binary_row * S_binary_col if scale: cell_val_zero = np.where(S_thresh == 0) cell_val_pos = np.where(S_thresh > 0) if len(cell_val_pos[0]) == 0: min_value = 0 else: min_value = np.min(S_thresh[cell_val_pos]) max_value = np.max(S_thresh) # print('min_value = ', min_value, ', max_value = ', max_value) if max_value > min_value: S_thresh = np.divide((S_thresh - min_value), (max_value - min_value)) if len(cell_val_zero[0]) > 0: S_thresh[cell_val_zero] = penalty else: print('Condition max_value > min_value is voliated: output zero matrix') if binarize: S_thresh[S_thresh > 0] = 1 S_thresh[S_thresh < 0] = 0 return S_thresh