Source code for libfmp.c4.c4s3_thumbnail

Module: libfmp.c4.c4s3_thumbnail
Author: Meinard Müller, Angel Villar-Corrales
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (
import math
import numpy as np
from numba import jit
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

import libfmp.b
import libfmp.c4

[docs]def colormap_penalty(penalty=-2, cmap=libfmp.b.compressed_gray_cmap(alpha=5)): """Extend colormap with white color between the penalty value and zero Notebook: C4/C4S3_AudioThumbnailing.ipynb Args: penalty (float): Negative number (Default value = -2.0) cmap (mpl.colors.Colormap): Original colormap (Default value = libfmp.b.compressed_gray_cmap(alpha=5)) Returns: cmap_penalty (mpl.colors.Colormap): Extended colormap """ if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap =, 128) cmap_matrix = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, 128))[:, :3] num_row = int(np.abs(penalty)*128) # cmap_penalty = np.flip(np.concatenate((cmap_matrix, np.ones((num_row, 3))), axis=0), axis=0) cmap_penalty = np.concatenate((np.ones((num_row, 3)), cmap_matrix), axis=0) cmap_penalty = ListedColormap(cmap_penalty) return cmap_penalty
[docs]def normalization_properties_ssm(S): """Normalizes self-similartiy matrix to fulfill S(n,n)=1. Yields a warning if max(S)<=1 is not fulfilled Notebook: C4/C4S3_AudioThumbnailing.ipynb Args: S (np.ndarray): Self-similarity matrix (SSM) Returns: S_normalized (np.ndarray): Normalized self-similarity matrix """ S_normalized = S.copy() N = S_normalized.shape[0] for n in range(N): S_normalized[n, n] = 1 max_S = np.max(S_normalized) if max_S > 1: print('Normalization condition for SSM not fulfill (max > 1)') return S_normalized
[docs]def plot_ssm_ann(S, ann, Fs=1, cmap='gray_r', color_ann=[], ann_x=True, ann_y=True, fontsize=12, figsize=(5, 4.5), xlabel='', ylabel='', title=''): """Plot SSM and annotations (horizontal and vertical as overlay) Notebook: C4/C4S3_AudioThumbnailing.ipynb Args: S: Self-similarity matrix ann: Annotations Fs: Feature rate of path_family (Default value = 1) cmap: Color map for S (Default value = 'gray_r') color_ann: color scheme used for annotations (see :func:`libfmp.b.b_plot.plot_segments`) (Default value = []) ann_x: Plot annotations on x-axis (Default value = True) ann_y: Plot annotations on y-axis (Default value = True) fontsize: Font size used for annotation labels (Default value = 12) figsize: Size of figure (Default value = (5, 4.5)) xlabel: Label for x-axis (Default value = '') ylabel: Label for y-axis (Default value = '') title: Figure size (Default value = '') Returns: fig: Handle for figure ax: Handle for axes im: Handle for imshow """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 0.05], 'height_ratios': [1, 0.1]}, figsize=figsize) fig_im, ax_im, im = libfmp.b.plot_matrix(S, Fs=Fs, Fs_F=Fs, ax=[ax[0, 0], ax[0, 1]], cmap=cmap, xlabel='', ylabel='', title='') ax[0, 0].set_ylabel(ylabel) ax[0, 0].set_xlabel(xlabel) ax[0, 0].set_title(title) if ann_y: libfmp.b.plot_segments_overlay(ann, ax=ax_im[0], direction='vertical', time_max=S.shape[0]/Fs, print_labels=False, colors=color_ann, alpha=0.05) if ann_x: libfmp.b.plot_segments(ann, ax=ax[1, 0], time_max=S.shape[0]/Fs, colors=color_ann, time_axis=False, fontsize=fontsize) else: ax[1, 0].axis('off') ax[1, 1].axis('off') plt.tight_layout() return fig, ax, im
[docs]def plot_path_family(ax, path_family, Fs=1, x_offset=0, y_offset=0, proj_x=True, w_x=7, proj_y=True, w_y=7): """Plot path family into a given axis Notebook: C4/C4S3_AudioThumbnailing.ipynb Args: ax: Axis of plot path_family: Path family Fs: Feature rate of path_family (Default value = 1) x_offset: Offset x-axis (Default value = 0) y_offset: Yffset x-axis (Default value = 0) proj_x: Display projection on x-axis (Default value = True) w_x: Width used for projection on x-axis (Default value = 7) proj_y: Display projection on y-axis (Default value = True) w_y: Width used for projection on y-axis (Default value = 7) """ for path in path_family: y = [(path[i][0] + y_offset)/Fs for i in range(len(path))] x = [(path[i][1] + x_offset)/Fs for i in range(len(path))] ax.plot(x, y, "o", color=[0, 0, 0], linewidth=3, markersize=5) ax.plot(x, y, '.', color=[0.7, 1, 1], linewidth=2, markersize=6) if proj_y: for path in path_family: y1 = path[0][0]/Fs y2 = path[-1][0]/Fs ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((0, y1), w_y, y2-y1, linewidth=1, facecolor=[0, 1, 0], edgecolor=[0, 0, 0])) # ax.plot([0, 0], [y1, y2], linewidth=8, color=[0, 1, 0]) if proj_x: for path in path_family: x1 = (path[0][1] + x_offset)/Fs x2 = (path[-1][1] + x_offset)/Fs ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((x1, 0), x2-x1, w_x, linewidth=1, facecolor=[0, 0, 1], edgecolor=[0, 0, 0]))
# ax.plot([x1, x2], [0, 0], linewidth=8, color=[0, 0, 1])
[docs]def compute_induced_segment_family_coverage(path_family): """Compute induced segment family and coverage from path family Notebook: C4/C4S3_AudioThumbnailing.ipynb Args: path_family (list): Path family Returns: segment_family (np.ndarray): Induced segment family coverage (float): Coverage of path family """ num_path = len(path_family) coverage = 0 if num_path > 0: segment_family = np.zeros((num_path, 2), dtype=int) for n in range(num_path): segment_family[n, 0] = path_family[n][0][0] segment_family[n, 1] = path_family[n][-1][0] coverage = coverage + segment_family[n, 1] - segment_family[n, 0] + 1 else: segment_family = np.empty return segment_family, coverage
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def compute_accumulated_score_matrix(S_seg): """Compute the accumulated score matrix Notebook: C4/C4S3_AudioThumbnailing.ipynb Args: S_seg (np.ndarray): Submatrix of an enhanced and normalized SSM ``S``. Note: ``S`` must satisfy ``S(n,m) <= 1 and S(n,n) = 1`` Returns: D (np.ndarray): Accumulated score matrix score (float): Score of optimal path family """ inf = math.inf N = S_seg.shape[0] M = S_seg.shape[1]+1 # Iinitializing score matrix D = -inf * np.ones((N, M), dtype=np.float64) D[0, 0] = 0. D[0, 1] = D[0, 0] + S_seg[0, 0] # Dynamic programming for n in range(1, N): D[n, 0] = max(D[n-1, 0], D[n-1, -1]) D[n, 1] = D[n, 0] + S_seg[n, 0] for m in range(2, M): D[n, m] = S_seg[n, m-1] + max(D[n-1, m-1], D[n-1, m-2], D[n-2, m-1]) # Score of optimal path family score = np.maximum(D[N-1, 0], D[N-1, M-1]) return D, score
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def compute_optimal_path_family(D): """Compute an optimal path family given an accumulated score matrix Notebook: C4/C4S3_AudioThumbnailing.ipynb Args: D (np.ndarray): Accumulated score matrix Returns: path_family (list): Optimal path family consisting of list of paths (each path being a list of index pairs) """ # Initialization inf = math.inf N = int(D.shape[0]) M = int(D.shape[1]) path_family = [] path = [] n = N - 1 if(D[n, M-1] < D[n, 0]): m = 0 else: m = M-1 path_point = (N-1, M-2) path.append(path_point) # Backtracking while n > 0 or m > 0: # obtaining the set of possible predecesors given our current position if(n <= 2 and m <= 2): predecessors = [(n-1, m-1)] elif(n <= 2 and m > 2): predecessors = [(n-1, m-1), (n-1, m-2)] elif(n > 2 and m <= 2): predecessors = [(n-1, m-1), (n-2, m-1)] else: predecessors = [(n-1, m-1), (n-2, m-1), (n-1, m-2)] # case for the first row. Only horizontal movements allowed if n == 0: cell = (0, m-1) # case for the elevator column: we can keep going down the column or jumping to the end of the next row elif m == 0: if D[n-1, M-1] > D[n-1, 0]: cell = (n-1, M-1) path_point = (n-1, M-2) if(len(path) > 0): path.reverse() path_family.append(path) path = [path_point] else: cell = (n-1, 0) # case for m=1, only horizontal steps to the elevator column are allowed elif m == 1: cell = (n, 0) # regular case else: # obtaining the best of the possible predecesors max_val = -inf for i, cur_predecessor in enumerate(predecessors): if(max_val < D[cur_predecessor[0], cur_predecessor[1]]): max_val = D[cur_predecessor[0], cur_predecessor[1]] cell = cur_predecessor # saving the point in the current path path_point = (cell[0], cell[1]-1) path.append(path_point) (n, m) = cell # adding last path to the path family path.reverse() path_family.append(path) path_family.reverse() return path_family
[docs]def compute_fitness(path_family, score, N): """Compute fitness measure and other metrics from path family Notebook: C4/C4S3_AudioThumbnailing.ipynb Args: path_family (list): Path family score (float): Score N (int): Length of feature sequence Returns: fitness (float): Fitness score (float): Score score_n (float): Normalized score coverage (float): Coverage coverage_n (float): Normalized coverage path_family_length (int): Length of path family (total number of cells) """ eps = 1e-16 num_path = len(path_family) M = path_family[0][-1][1] + 1 # Normalized score path_family_length = 0 for n in range(num_path): path_family_length = path_family_length + len(path_family[n]) score_n = (score - M) / (path_family_length + eps) # Normalized coverage segment_family, coverage = compute_induced_segment_family_coverage(path_family) coverage_n = (coverage - M) / (N + eps) # Fitness measure fitness = 2 * score_n * coverage_n / (score_n + coverage_n + eps) return fitness, score, score_n, coverage, coverage_n, path_family_length
[docs]def plot_ssm_ann_optimal_path_family(S, ann, seg, Fs=1, cmap='gray_r', color_ann=[], fontsize=12, figsize=(5, 4.5), ylabel=''): """Plot SSM, annotations, and computed optimal path family Notebook: C4/C4S3_AudioThumbnailing.ipynb Args: S: Self-similarity matrix ann: Annotations seg: Segment for computing the optimal path family Fs: Feature rate of path_family (Default value = 1) cmap: Color map for S (Default value = 'gray_r') color_ann: color scheme used for annotations (see :func:`libfmp.b.b_plot.plot_segments`) (Default value = []) fontsize: Font size used for annotation labels (Default value = 12) figsize: Size of figure (Default value = (5, 4.5)) ylabel: Label for y-axis (Default value = '') Returns: fig: Handle for figure ax: Handle for axes im: Handle for imshow """ N = S.shape[0] S_seg = S[:, seg[0]:seg[1]+1] D, score = compute_accumulated_score_matrix(S_seg) path_family = compute_optimal_path_family(D) fitness, score, score_n, coverage, coverage_n, path_family_length = compute_fitness( path_family, score, N) title = r'$\bar{\sigma}(\alpha)=%0.2f$, $\bar{\gamma}(\alpha)=%0.2f$, $\varphi(\alpha)=%0.2f$' % \ (score_n, coverage_n, fitness) fig, ax, im = plot_ssm_ann(S, ann, color_ann=color_ann, Fs=Fs, cmap=cmap, figsize=figsize, fontsize=fontsize, xlabel=r'$\alpha=[%d:%d]$' % (seg[0], seg[-1]), ylabel=ylabel, title=title) plot_path_family(ax[0, 0], path_family, Fs=Fs, x_offset=seg[0]) return fig, ax, im
[docs]def visualize_scape_plot(SP, Fs=1, ax=None, figsize=(4, 3), title='', xlabel='Center (seconds)', ylabel='Length (seconds)', interpolation='nearest'): """Visualize scape plot Notebook: C4/C4S3_ScapePlot.ipynb Args: SP: Scape plot data (encodes as start-duration matrix) Fs: Sampling rate (Default value = 1) ax: Used axes (Default value = None) figsize: Figure size (Default value = (4, 3)) title: Title of figure (Default value = '') xlabel: Label for x-axis (Default value = 'Center (seconds)') ylabel: Label for y-axis (Default value = 'Length (seconds)') interpolation: Interpolation value for imshow (Default value = 'nearest') Returns: fig: Handle for figure ax: Handle for axes im: Handle for imshow """ fig = None if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() N = SP.shape[0] SP_vis = np.zeros((N, N)) for length_minus_one in range(N): for start in range(N-length_minus_one): center = start + length_minus_one//2 SP_vis[length_minus_one, center] = SP[length_minus_one, start] extent = np.array([-0.5, (N-1)+0.5, -0.5, (N-1)+0.5]) / Fs im = plt.imshow(SP_vis, cmap='hot_r', aspect='auto', origin='lower', extent=extent, interpolation=interpolation) x = np.asarray(range(N)) x_half_lower = x/2 x_half_upper = x/2 + N/2 - 1/2 plt.plot(x_half_lower/Fs, x/Fs, '-', linewidth=3, color='black') plt.plot(x_half_upper/Fs, np.flip(x, axis=0)/Fs, '-', linewidth=3, color='black') plt.plot(x/Fs, np.zeros(N)/Fs, '-', linewidth=3, color='black') plt.xlim([0, (N-1) / Fs]) plt.ylim([0, (N-1) / Fs]) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) plt.tight_layout() plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) return fig, ax, im
# @jit(nopython=True)
[docs]def compute_fitness_scape_plot(S): """Compute scape plot for fitness and other measures Notebook: C4/C4S3_ScapePlot.ipynb Args: S (np.ndarray): Self-similarity matrix Returns: SP_all (np.ndarray): Vector containing five different scape plots for five measures (fitness, score, normalized score, coverage, normlized coverage) """ N = S.shape[0] SP_fitness = np.zeros((N, N)) SP_score = np.zeros((N, N)) SP_score_n = np.zeros((N, N)) SP_coverage = np.zeros((N, N)) SP_coverage_n = np.zeros((N, N)) for length_minus_one in range(N): for start in range(N-length_minus_one): S_seg = S[:, start:start+length_minus_one+1] D, score = libfmp.c4.compute_accumulated_score_matrix(S_seg) path_family = libfmp.c4.compute_optimal_path_family(D) fitness, score, score_n, coverage, coverage_n, path_family_length = libfmp.c4.compute_fitness( path_family, score, N) SP_fitness[length_minus_one, start] = fitness SP_score[length_minus_one, start] = score SP_score_n[length_minus_one, start] = score_n SP_coverage[length_minus_one, start] = coverage SP_coverage_n[length_minus_one, start] = coverage_n SP_all = [SP_fitness, SP_score, SP_score_n, SP_coverage, SP_coverage_n] return SP_all
[docs]def seg_max_sp(SP): """Return segment with maximal value in SP Notebook: C4/C4S3_ScapePlot.ipynb Args: SP (np.ndarray): Scape plot Returns: seg (tuple): Segment ``(start_index, end_index)`` """ N = SP.shape[0] # value_max = np.max(SP) arg_max = np.argmax(SP) ind_max = np.unravel_index(arg_max, [N, N]) seg = [ind_max[1], ind_max[1]+ind_max[0]] return seg
[docs]def plot_seg_in_sp(ax, seg, S=None, Fs=1): """Plot segment and induced segements as points in SP visualization Notebook: C4/C4S3_ScapePlot.ipynb Args: ax: Axis for image seg: Segment ``(start_index, end_index)`` S: Self-similarity matrix (Default value = None) Fs: Sampling rate (Default value = 1) """ if S is not None: S_seg = S[:, seg[0]:seg[1]+1] D, score = libfmp.c4.compute_accumulated_score_matrix(S_seg) path_family = libfmp.c4.compute_optimal_path_family(D) segment_family, coverage = libfmp.c4.compute_induced_segment_family_coverage(path_family) length = segment_family[:, 1] - segment_family[:, 0] + 1 center = segment_family[:, 0] + length//2 ax.scatter(center/Fs, length/Fs, s=64, c='white', zorder=9999) ax.scatter(center/Fs, length/Fs, s=16, c='lime', zorder=9999) length = seg[1] - seg[0] + 1 center = seg[0] + length//2 ax.scatter(center/Fs, length/Fs, s=64, c='white', zorder=9999) ax.scatter(center/Fs, length/Fs, s=16, c='blue', zorder=9999)
[docs]def plot_sp_ssm(SP, seg, S, ann, color_ann=[], title='', figsize=(5, 4)): """Visulization of SP and SSM Notebook: C4/C4S3_ScapePlot.ipynb Args: SP: Scape plot seg: Segment ``(start_index, end_index)`` S: Self-similarity matrix ann: Annotation color_ann: color scheme used for annotations (Default value = []) title: Title of figure (Default value = '') figsize: Figure size (Default value = (5, 4)) """ float_box = libfmp.b.FloatingBox() fig, ax, im = visualize_scape_plot(SP, figsize=figsize, title=title, xlabel='Center (frames)', ylabel='Length (frames)') plot_seg_in_sp(ax, seg, S) float_box.add_fig(fig) penalty = np.min(S) cmap_penalty = libfmp.c4.colormap_penalty(penalty=penalty) fig, ax, im = libfmp.c4.plot_ssm_ann_optimal_path_family( S, ann, seg, color_ann=color_ann, fontsize=8, cmap=cmap_penalty, figsize=(4, 4), ylabel='Time (frames)') float_box.add_fig(fig)
[docs]def check_segment(seg, S): """Prints properties of segments with regard to SSM ``S`` Notebook: C4/C4S3_ScapePlot.ipynb Args: seg (tuple): Segment ``(start_index, end_index)`` S (np.ndarray): Self-similarity matrix Returns: path_family (list): Optimal path family """ N = S.shape[0] S_seg = S[:, seg[0]:seg[1]+1] D, score = libfmp.c4.compute_accumulated_score_matrix(S_seg) path_family = libfmp.c4.compute_optimal_path_family(D) fitness, score, score_n, coverage, coverage_n, path_family_length = libfmp.c4.compute_fitness( path_family, score, N) segment_family, coverage2 = libfmp.c4.compute_induced_segment_family_coverage(path_family) print('Segment (alpha):', seg) print('Length of segment:', seg[-1]-seg[0]+1) print('Length of feature sequence:', N) print('Induced segment path family:\n', segment_family) print('Fitness: %0.10f' % fitness) print('Score: %0.10f' % score) print('Normalized score: %0.10f' % score_n) print('Coverage: %d, %d' % (coverage, coverage2)) print('Normalized coverage: %0.10f' % coverage_n) print('Length of all paths of family: %d' % path_family_length) return path_family