Source code for libfmp.c4.c4s4_novelty_kernel

Module: libfmp.c4.c4s4_novelty_kernel
Author: Meinard Müller, Julian Reck
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (
import numpy as np
from numba import jit

[docs]def compute_kernel_checkerboard_box(L): """Compute box-like checkerboard kernel [FMP, Section 4.4.1] Notebook: C4/C4S4_NoveltySegmentation.ipynb Args: L (int): Parameter specifying the kernel size 2*L+1 Returns: kernel (np.ndarray): Kernel matrix of size (2*L+1) x (2*L+1) """ axis = np.arange(-L, L+1) kernel = np.outer(np.sign(axis), np.sign(axis)) return kernel
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def compute_kernel_checkerboard_gaussian(L, var=1.0, normalize=True): """Compute Guassian-like checkerboard kernel [FMP, Section 4.4.1]. See also: Notebook: C4/C4S4_NoveltySegmentation.ipynb Args: L (int): Parameter specifying the kernel size M=2*L+1 var (float): Variance parameter determing the tapering (epsilon) (Default value = 1.0) normalize (bool): Normalize kernel (Default value = True) Returns: kernel (np.ndarray): Kernel matrix of size M x M """ taper = np.sqrt(1/2) / (L * var) axis = np.arange(-L, L+1) gaussian1D = np.exp(-taper**2 * (axis**2)) gaussian2D = np.outer(gaussian1D, gaussian1D) kernel_box = np.outer(np.sign(axis), np.sign(axis)) kernel = kernel_box * gaussian2D if normalize: kernel = kernel / np.sum(np.abs(kernel)) return kernel
# @jit(nopython=True)
[docs]def compute_novelty_ssm(S, kernel=None, L=10, var=0.5, exclude=False): """Compute novelty function from SSM [FMP, Section 4.4.1] Notebook: C4/C4S4_NoveltySegmentation.ipynb Args: S (np.ndarray): SSM kernel (np.ndarray): Checkerboard kernel (if kernel==None, it will be computed) (Default value = None) L (int): Parameter specifying the kernel size M=2*L+1 (Default value = 10) var (float): Variance parameter determing the tapering (epsilon) (Default value = 0.5) exclude (bool): Sets the first L and last L values of novelty function to zero (Default value = False) Returns: nov (np.ndarray): Novelty function """ if kernel is None: kernel = compute_kernel_checkerboard_gaussian(L=L, var=var) N = S.shape[0] M = 2*L + 1 nov = np.zeros(N) # np.pad does not work with numba/jit S_padded = np.pad(S, L, mode='constant') for n in range(N): # Does not work with numba/jit nov[n] = np.sum(S_padded[n:n+M, n:n+M] * kernel) if exclude: right = np.min([L, N]) left = np.max([0, N-L]) nov[0:right] = 0 nov[left:N] = 0 return nov