Module: libfmp.c5.c5s3_chord_rec_hmm
Author: Meinard Müller, Christof Weiss
License: The MIT license, https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (https://www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/FMP)
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
from scipy.linalg import circulant
from numba import jit
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import libfmp.c3
from libfmp.c5 import get_chord_labels
[docs]def generate_sequence_hmm(N, A, C, B, details=False):
"""Generate observation and state sequence from given HMM
Notebook: C5/C5S3_HiddenMarkovModel.ipynb
N (int): Number of observations to be generated
A (np.ndarray): State transition probability matrix of dimension I x I
C (np.ndarray): Initial state distribution of dimension I
B (np.ndarray): Output probability matrix of dimension I x K
details (bool): If "True" then shows details (Default value = False)
O (np.ndarray): Observation sequence of length N
S (np.ndarray): State sequence of length N
assert N > 0, "N should be at least one"
I = A.shape[1]
K = B.shape[1]
assert I == A.shape[0], "A should be an I-square matrix"
assert I == C.shape[0], "Dimension of C should be I"
assert I == B.shape[0], "Column-dimension of B should be I"
O = np.zeros(N, int)
S = np.zeros(N, int)
for n in range(N):
if n == 0:
i = np.random.choice(np.arange(I), p=C)
i = np.random.choice(np.arange(I), p=A[i, :])
k = np.random.choice(np.arange(K), p=B[i, :])
S[n] = i
O[n] = k
if details:
print('n = %d, S[%d] = %d, O[%d] = %d' % (n, n, S[n], n, O[n]))
return O, S
[docs]def estimate_hmm_from_o_s(O, S, I, K):
"""Estimate the state transition and output probability matrices from
a given observation and state sequence
Notebook: C5/C5S3_HiddenMarkovModel.ipynb
O (np.ndarray): Observation sequence of length N
S (np.ndarray): State sequence of length N
I (int): Number of states
K (int): Number of observation symbols
A_est (np.ndarray): State transition probability matrix of dimension I x I
B_est (np.ndarray): Output probability matrix of dimension I x K
# Estimate A
A_est = np.zeros([I, I])
N = len(S)
for n in range(N-1):
i = S[n]
j = S[n+1]
A_est[i, j] += 1
A_est = normalize(A_est, axis=1, norm='l1')
# Estimate B
B_est = np.zeros([I, K])
for i in range(I):
for k in range(K):
B_est[i, k] = np.sum(np.logical_and(S == i, O == k))
B_est = normalize(B_est, axis=1, norm='l1')
return A_est, B_est
def viterbi(A, C, B, O):
"""Viterbi algorithm for solving the uncovering problem
Notebook: C5/C5S3_Viterbi.ipynb
A (np.ndarray): State transition probability matrix of dimension I x I
C (np.ndarray): Initial state distribution of dimension I
B (np.ndarray): Output probability matrix of dimension I x K
O (np.ndarray): Observation sequence of length N
S_opt (np.ndarray): Optimal state sequence of length N
D (np.ndarray): Accumulated probability matrix
E (np.ndarray): Backtracking matrix
I = A.shape[0] # Number of states
N = len(O) # Length of observation sequence
# Initialize D and E matrices
D = np.zeros((I, N))
E = np.zeros((I, N-1)).astype(np.int32)
D[:, 0] = np.multiply(C, B[:, O[0]])
# Compute D and E in a nested loop
for n in range(1, N):
for i in range(I):
temp_product = np.multiply(A[:, i], D[:, n-1])
D[i, n] = np.max(temp_product) * B[i, O[n]]
E[i, n-1] = np.argmax(temp_product)
# Backtracking
S_opt = np.zeros(N).astype(np.int32)
S_opt[-1] = np.argmax(D[:, -1])
for n in range(N-2, -1, -1):
S_opt[n] = E[int(S_opt[n+1]), n]
return S_opt, D, E
def viterbi_log(A, C, B, O):
"""Viterbi algorithm (log variant) for solving the uncovering problem
Notebook: C5/C5S3_Viterbi.ipynb
A (np.ndarray): State transition probability matrix of dimension I x I
C (np.ndarray): Initial state distribution of dimension I
B (np.ndarray): Output probability matrix of dimension I x K
O (np.ndarray): Observation sequence of length N
S_opt (np.ndarray): Optimal state sequence of length N
D_log (np.ndarray): Accumulated log probability matrix
E (np.ndarray): Backtracking matrix
I = A.shape[0] # Number of states
N = len(O) # Length of observation sequence
tiny = np.finfo(0.).tiny
A_log = np.log(A + tiny)
C_log = np.log(C + tiny)
B_log = np.log(B + tiny)
# Initialize D and E matrices
D_log = np.zeros((I, N))
E = np.zeros((I, N-1)).astype(np.int32)
D_log[:, 0] = C_log + B_log[:, O[0]]
# Compute D and E in a nested loop
for n in range(1, N):
for i in range(I):
temp_sum = A_log[:, i] + D_log[:, n-1]
D_log[i, n] = np.max(temp_sum) + B_log[i, O[n]]
E[i, n-1] = np.argmax(temp_sum)
# Backtracking
S_opt = np.zeros(N).astype(np.int32)
S_opt[-1] = np.argmax(D_log[:, -1])
for n in range(N-2, -1, -1):
S_opt[n] = E[int(S_opt[n+1]), n]
return S_opt, D_log, E
[docs]def plot_transition_matrix(A, log=True, ax=None, figsize=(6, 5), title='',
xlabel='State (chord label)', ylabel='State (chord label)',
cmap='gray_r', quadrant=False):
"""Plot a transition matrix for 24 chord models (12 major and 12 minor triads)
Notebook: C5/C5S3_ChordRec_HMM.ipynb
A: Transition matrix
log: Show log probabilities (Default value = True)
ax: Axis (Default value = None)
figsize: Width, height in inches (only used when ax=None) (Default value = (6, 5))
title: Title for plot (Default value = '')
xlabel: Label for x-axis (Default value = 'State (chord label)')
ylabel: Label for y-axis (Default value = 'State (chord label)')
cmap: Color map (Default value = 'gray_r')
quadrant: Plots additional lines for C-major and C-minor quadrants (Default value = False)
fig: The created matplotlib figure or None if ax was given.
ax: The used axes.
im: The image plot
fig = None
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize)
ax = [ax]
if log is True:
A_plot = np.log(A)
cbar_label = 'Log probability'
clim = [-6, 0]
A_plot = A
cbar_label = 'Probability'
clim = [0, 1]
im = ax[0].imshow(A_plot, origin='lower', aspect='equal', cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest')
cbar = plt.colorbar(im)
chord_labels = get_chord_labels()
chord_labels_squeezed = chord_labels.copy()
for k in [1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22]:
chord_labels_squeezed[k] = ''
if quadrant is True:
ax[0].axvline(x=11.5, ymin=0, ymax=24, linewidth=2, color='r')
ax[0].axhline(y=11.5, xmin=0, xmax=24, linewidth=2, color='r')
return fig, ax, im
[docs]def matrix_circular_mean(A):
"""Computes circulant matrix with mean diagonal sums
Notebook: C5/C5S3_ChordRec_HMM.ipynb
A (np.ndarray): Square matrix
A_mean (np.ndarray): Circulant output matrix
N = A.shape[0]
A_shear = np.zeros((N, N))
for n in range(N):
A_shear[:, n] = np.roll(A[:, n], -n)
circ_sum = np.sum(A_shear, axis=1)
A_mean = circulant(circ_sum) / N
return A_mean
[docs]def matrix_chord24_trans_inv(A):
"""Computes transposition-invariant matrix for transition matrix
based 12 major chords and 12 minor chords
Notebook: C5/C5S3_ChordRec_HMM.ipynb
A (np.ndarray): Input transition matrix
A_ti (np.ndarray): Output transition matrix
A_ti = np.zeros(A.shape)
A_ti[0:12, 0:12] = matrix_circular_mean(A[0:12, 0:12])
A_ti[0:12, 12:24] = matrix_circular_mean(A[0:12, 12:24])
A_ti[12:24, 0:12] = matrix_circular_mean(A[12:24, 0:12])
A_ti[12:24, 12:24] = matrix_circular_mean(A[12:24, 12:24])
return A_ti
def viterbi_log_likelihood(A, C, B_O):
"""Viterbi algorithm (log variant) for solving the uncovering problem
Notebook: C5/C5S3_Viterbi.ipynb
A (np.ndarray): State transition probability matrix of dimension I x I
C (np.ndarray): Initial state distribution of dimension I
B_O (np.ndarray): Likelihood matrix of dimension I x N
S_opt (np.ndarray): Optimal state sequence of length N
S_mat (np.ndarray): Binary matrix representation of optimal state sequence
D_log (np.ndarray): Accumulated log probability matrix
E (np.ndarray): Backtracking matrix
I = A.shape[0] # Number of states
N = B_O.shape[1] # Length of observation sequence
tiny = np.finfo(0.).tiny
A_log = np.log(A + tiny)
C_log = np.log(C + tiny)
B_O_log = np.log(B_O + tiny)
# Initialize D and E matrices
D_log = np.zeros((I, N))
E = np.zeros((I, N-1)).astype(np.int32)
D_log[:, 0] = C_log + B_O_log[:, 0]
# Compute D and E in a nested loop
for n in range(1, N):
for i in range(I):
temp_sum = A_log[:, i] + D_log[:, n-1]
D_log[i, n] = np.max(temp_sum) + B_O_log[i, n]
E[i, n-1] = np.argmax(temp_sum)
# Backtracking
S_opt = np.zeros(N).astype(np.int32)
S_opt[-1] = np.argmax(D_log[:, -1])
for n in range(N-2, -1, -1):
S_opt[n] = E[int(S_opt[n+1]), n]
# Matrix representation of result
S_mat = np.zeros((I, N)).astype(np.int32)
for n in range(N):
S_mat[S_opt[n], n] = 1
return S_mat, S_opt, D_log, E
[docs]def chord_recognition_all(X, ann_matrix, p=0.15, filt_len=None, filt_type='mean'):
"""Conduct template- and HMM-based chord recognition and evaluates the approaches
Notebook: C5/C5S3_ChordRec_Beatles.ipynb
X (np.ndarray): Chromagram
ann_matrix (np.ndarray): Reference annotation as given as time-chord binary matrix
p (float): Self-transition probability used for HMM (Default value = 0.15)
filt_len (int): Filter length used for prefilitering (Default value = None)
filt_type (str): Filter type used for prefilitering (Default value = 'mean')
result_Tem (tuple): Chord recogntion evaluation results ([P, R, F, TP, FP, FN]) for template-based approach
result_HMM (tuple): Chord recogntion evaluation results ([P, R, F, TP, FP, FN]) for HMM-based approach
chord_Tem (np.ndarray): Template-based chord recogntion result given as binary matrix
chord_HMM (np.ndarray): HMM-based chord recogntion result given as binary matrix
chord_sim (np.ndarray): Chord similarity matrix
if filt_len is not None:
if filt_type == 'mean':
X, Fs_X = libfmp.c3.smooth_downsample_feature_sequence(X, Fs=1, filt_len=filt_len, down_sampling=1)
if filt_type == 'median':
X, Fs_X = libfmp.c3.median_downsample_feature_sequence(X, Fs=1, filt_len=filt_len, down_sampling=1)
# Template-based chord recogntion
chord_sim, chord_Tem = libfmp.c5.chord_recognition_template(X, norm_sim='1')
result_Tem = libfmp.c5.compute_eval_measures(ann_matrix, chord_Tem)
# HMM-based chord recogntion
A = libfmp.c5.uniform_transition_matrix(p=p)
C = 1 / 24 * np.ones((1, 24))
B_O = chord_sim
chord_HMM, _, _, _ = libfmp.c5.viterbi_log_likelihood(A, C, B_O)
result_HMM = libfmp.c5.compute_eval_measures(ann_matrix, chord_HMM)
return result_Tem, result_HMM, chord_Tem, chord_HMM, chord_sim