Source code for libfmp.c6.c6s1_peak_picking

Module: libfmp.c6.c6s1_peak_picking
Author: Angel Villar Corrales, Meinard Mueller
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import filters

[docs]def peak_picking_simple(x, threshold=None): """Peak picking strategy looking for positions with increase followed by descrease Notebook: C6/C6S1_PeakPicking.ipynb Args: x (np.ndarray): Input function threshold (float): Lower threshold for peak to survive Returns: peaks (np.ndarray): Array containing peak positions """ peaks = [] if threshold is None: threshold = np.min(x) - 1 for i in range(1, x.shape[0] - 1): if x[i - 1] < x[i] and x[i] > x[i + 1]: if x[i] >= threshold: peaks.append(i) peaks = np.array(peaks) return peaks
[docs]def peak_picking_boeck(activations, threshold=0.5, fps=100, include_scores=False, combine=False, pre_avg=12, post_avg=6, pre_max=6, post_max=6): """Detects peaks. | Implements the peak-picking method described in: | "Evaluating the Online Capabilities of Onset Detection Methods" | Sebastian Boeck, Florian Krebs and Markus Schedl | Proceedings of the 13th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2012 Modified by Jan Schlueter, 2014-04-24 Args: activations (np.nadarray): Vector of activations to process threshold (float): Threshold for peak-picking (Default value = 0.5) fps (scalar): Frame rate of onset activation function in Hz (Default value = 100) include_scores (bool): Include activation for each returned peak (Default value = False) combine (bool): Only report 1 onset for N seconds (Default value = False) pre_avg (float): Use N past seconds for moving average (Default value = 12) post_avg (float): Use N future seconds for moving average (Default value = 6) pre_max (float): Use N past seconds for moving maximum (Default value = 6) post_max (float): Use N future seconds for moving maximum (Default value = 6) Returns: peaks (np.ndarray): Peak positions """ activations = activations.ravel() # detections are activations equal to the moving maximum max_length = int((pre_max + post_max) * fps) + 1 if max_length > 1: max_origin = int((pre_max - post_max) * fps / 2) mov_max = filters.maximum_filter1d(activations, max_length, mode='constant', origin=max_origin) detections = activations * (activations == mov_max) else: detections = activations # detections must be greater than or equal to the moving average + threshold avg_length = int((pre_avg + post_avg) * fps) + 1 if avg_length > 1: avg_origin = int((pre_avg - post_avg) * fps / 2) mov_avg = filters.uniform_filter1d(activations, avg_length, mode='constant', origin=avg_origin) detections = detections * (detections >= mov_avg + threshold) else: # if there is no moving average, treat the threshold as a global one detections = detections * (detections >= threshold) # convert detected onsets to a list of timestamps if combine: stamps = [] last_onset = 0 for i in np.nonzero(detections)[0]: # only report an onset if the last N frames none was reported if i > last_onset + combine: stamps.append(i) # save last reported onset last_onset = i stamps = np.array(stamps) else: stamps = np.where(detections)[0] # include corresponding activations per peak if needed if include_scores: scores = activations[stamps] if avg_length > 1: scores -= mov_avg[stamps] return stamps / float(fps), scores else: return stamps / float(fps)
[docs]def peak_picking_roeder(x, direction=None, abs_thresh=None, rel_thresh=None, descent_thresh=None, tmin=None, tmax=None): """| Computes the positive peaks of the input vector x | Python adaption from the Matlab Roeder_Peak_Picking script peaks.m from the internal Sync Toolbox | reckjn 2017 Args: x (np.nadarray): Signal to be searched for (positive) peaks direction (int): +1 for forward peak searching, -1 for backward peak searching. default is dir == -1. (Default value = None) abs_thresh (float): Absolute threshold signal, i.e. only peaks satisfying x(i)>=abs_thresh(i) will be reported. abs_thresh must have the same number of samples as x. a sensible choice for this parameter would be a global or local average or median of the signal x. If omitted, half the median of x will be used. (Default value = None) rel_thresh (float): Relative threshold signal. Only peak positions i with an uninterrupted positive ascent before position i of at least rel_thresh(i) and a possibly interrupted (see parameter descent_thresh) descent of at least rel_thresh(i) will be reported. rel_thresh must have the same number of samples as x. A sensible choice would be some measure related to the global or local variance of the signal x. if omitted, half the standard deviation of W will be used. descent_thresh (float): Descent threshold. during peak candidate verfication, if a slope change from negative to positive slope occurs at sample i BEFORE the descent has exceeded rel_thresh(i), and if descent_thresh(i) has not been exceeded yet, the current peak candidate will be dropped. this situation corresponds to a secondary peak occuring shortly after the current candidate peak (which might lead to a higher peak value)! | | The value descent_thresh(i) must not be larger than rel_thresh(i). | | descent_thresh must have the same number of samples as x. a sensible choice would be some measure related to the global or local variance of the signal x. if omitted, 0.5*rel_thresh will be used. (Default value = None) tmin (int): Index of start sample. peak search will begin at x(tmin). (Default value = None) tmax (int): Index of end sample. peak search will end at x(tmax). (Default value = None) Returns: peaks (np.nadarray): Array of peak positions """ # set default values if direction is None: direction = -1 if abs_thresh is None: abs_thresh = np.tile(0.5*np.median(x), len(x)) if rel_thresh is None: rel_thresh = 0.5*np.tile(np.sqrt(np.var(x)), len(x)) if descent_thresh is None: descent_thresh = 0.5*rel_thresh if tmin is None: tmin = 1 if tmax is None: tmax = len(x) dyold = 0 dy = 0 rise = 0 # current amount of ascent during a rising portion of the signal x riseold = 0 # accumulated amount of ascent from the last rising portion of x descent = 0 # current amount of descent (<0) during a falling portion of the signal x searching_peak = True candidate = 1 P = [] if direction == 1: my_range = np.arange(tmin, tmax) elif direction == -1: my_range = np.arange(tmin, tmax) my_range = my_range[::-1] # run through x for cur_idx in my_range: # get local gradient dy = x[cur_idx+direction] - x[cur_idx] if dy >= 0: rise = rise + dy else: descent = descent + dy if dyold >= 0: if dy < 0: # slope change positive->negative if rise >= rel_thresh[cur_idx] and searching_peak is True: candidate = cur_idx searching_peak = False riseold = rise rise = 0 else: # dyold < 0 if dy < 0: # in descent if descent <= -rel_thresh[candidate] and searching_peak is False: if x[candidate] >= abs_thresh[candidate]: P.append(candidate) # verified candidate as True peak searching_peak = True else: # dy >= 0 slope change negative->positive if searching_peak is False: # currently verifying a peak if x[candidate] - x[cur_idx] <= descent_thresh[cur_idx]: rise = riseold + descent # skip intermediary peak if descent <= -rel_thresh[candidate]: if x[candidate] >= abs_thresh[candidate]: P.append(candidate) # verified candidate as True peak searching_peak = True descent = 0 dyold = dy peaks = np.array(P) return peaks
[docs]def peak_picking_MSAF(x, median_len=16, offset_rel=0.05, sigma=4.0): """Peak picking strategy following MSFA using an adaptive threshold ( Notebook: C6/C6S1_PeakPicking.ipynb Args: x (np.ndarray): Input function median_len (int): Length of media filter used for adaptive thresholding (Default value = 16) offset_rel (float): Additional offset used for adaptive thresholding (Default value = 0.05) sigma (float): Variance for Gaussian kernel used for smoothing the novelty function (Default value = 4.0) Returns: peaks (np.ndarray): Peak positions x (np.ndarray): Local threshold threshold_local (np.ndarray): Filtered novelty curve """ offset = x.mean() * offset_rel x = filters.gaussian_filter1d(x, sigma=sigma) threshold_local = filters.median_filter(x, size=median_len) + offset peaks = [] for i in range(1, x.shape[0] - 1): if x[i - 1] < x[i] and x[i] > x[i + 1]: if x[i] > threshold_local[i]: peaks.append(i) peaks = np.array(peaks) return peaks, x, threshold_local