Source code for libfmp.c6.c6s2_tempo_analysis

Module: libfmp.c6.c6s2_tempo_analysis
Author: Meinard Müller, Angel Villar-Corrales
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (
import numpy as np
import librosa
from scipy import signal
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numba import jit
import IPython.display as ipd

import libfmp.b
import libfmp.c6

[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def compute_tempogram_fourier(x, Fs, N, H, Theta=np.arange(30, 601, 1)): """Compute Fourier-based tempogram [FMP, Section 6.2.2] Notebook: C6/C6S2_TempogramFourier.ipynb Args: x (np.ndarray): Input signal Fs (scalar): Sampling rate N (int): Window length H (int): Hop size Theta (np.ndarray): Set of tempi (given in BPM) (Default value = np.arange(30, 601, 1)) Returns: X (np.ndarray): Tempogram T_coef (np.ndarray): Time axis (seconds) F_coef_BPM (np.ndarray): Tempo axis (BPM) """ win = np.hanning(N) N_left = N // 2 L = x.shape[0] L_left = N_left L_right = N_left L_pad = L + L_left + L_right # x_pad = np.pad(x, (L_left, L_right), 'constant') # doesn't work with jit x_pad = np.concatenate((np.zeros(L_left), x, np.zeros(L_right))) t_pad = np.arange(L_pad) M = int(np.floor(L_pad - N) / H) + 1 K = len(Theta) X = np.zeros((K, M), dtype=np.complex_) for k in range(K): omega = (Theta[k] / 60) / Fs exponential = np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j * omega * t_pad) x_exp = x_pad * exponential for n in range(M): t_0 = n * H t_1 = t_0 + N X[k, n] = np.sum(win * x_exp[t_0:t_1]) T_coef = np.arange(M) * H / Fs F_coef_BPM = Theta return X, T_coef, F_coef_BPM
[docs]def compute_sinusoid_optimal(c, tempo, n, Fs, N, H): """Compute windowed sinusoid with optimal phase Notebook: C6/C6S2_TempogramFourier.ipynb Args: c (complex): Coefficient of tempogram (c=X(k,n)) tempo (float): Tempo parameter corresponding to c (tempo=F_coef_BPM[k]) n (int): Frame parameter of c Fs (scalar): Sampling rate N (int): Window length H (int): Hop size Returns: kernel (np.ndarray): Windowed sinusoid t_kernel (np.ndarray): Time axis (samples) of kernel t_kernel_sec (np.ndarray): Time axis (seconds) of kernel """ win = np.hanning(N) N_left = N // 2 omega = (tempo / 60) / Fs t_0 = n * H t_1 = t_0 + N phase = - np.angle(c) / (2 * np.pi) t_kernel = np.arange(t_0, t_1) kernel = win * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (t_kernel*omega - phase)) t_kernel_sec = (t_kernel - N_left) / Fs return kernel, t_kernel, t_kernel_sec
[docs]def plot_signal_kernel(x, t_x, kernel, t_kernel, xlim=None, figsize=(8, 2), title=None): """Visualize signal and local kernel Notebook: C6/C6S2_TempogramFourier.ipynb Args: x: Signal t_x: Time axis of x (given in seconds) kernel: Local kernel t_kernel: Time axis of kernel (given in seconds) xlim: Limits for x-axis (Default value = None) figsize: Figure size (Default value = (8, 2)) title: Title of figure (Default value = None) Returns: fig: Matplotlib figure handle """ if xlim is None: xlim = [t_x[0], t_x[-1]] fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.plot(t_x, x, 'k') plt.plot(t_kernel, kernel, 'r') plt.title(title) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.tight_layout() return fig
# @jit(nopython=True) # not possible because of np.correlate with mode='full'
[docs]def compute_autocorrelation_local(x, Fs, N, H, norm_sum=True): """Compute local autocorrelation [FMP, Section 6.2.3] Notebook: C6/C6S2_TempogramAutocorrelation.ipynb Args: x (np.ndarray): Input signal Fs (scalar): Sampling rate N (int): Window length H (int): Hop size norm_sum (bool): Normalizes by the number of summands in local autocorrelation (Default value = True) Returns: A (np.ndarray): Time-lag representation T_coef (np.ndarray): Time axis (seconds) F_coef_lag (np.ndarray): Lag axis """ # L = len(x) L_left = round(N / 2) L_right = L_left x_pad = np.concatenate((np.zeros(L_left), x, np.zeros(L_right))) L_pad = len(x_pad) M = int(np.floor(L_pad - N) / H) + 1 A = np.zeros((N, M)) win = np.ones(N) if norm_sum is True: lag_summand_num = np.arange(N, 0, -1) for n in range(M): t_0 = n * H t_1 = t_0 + N x_local = win * x_pad[t_0:t_1] r_xx = np.correlate(x_local, x_local, mode='full') r_xx = r_xx[N-1:] if norm_sum is True: r_xx = r_xx / lag_summand_num A[:, n] = r_xx Fs_A = Fs / H T_coef = np.arange(A.shape[1]) / Fs_A F_coef_lag = np.arange(N) / Fs return A, T_coef, F_coef_lag
[docs]def plot_signal_local_lag(x, t_x, local_lag, t_local_lag, lag, xlim=None, figsize=(8, 1.5), title=''): """Visualize signal and local lag [FMP, Figure 6.14] Notebook: C6/C6S2_TempogramAutocorrelation.ipynb Args: x: Signal t_x: Time axis of x (given in seconds) local_lag: Local lag t_local_lag: Time axis of kernel (given in seconds) lag: Lag (given in seconds) xlim: Limits for x-axis (Default value = None) figsize: Figure size (Default value = (8, 1.5)) title: Title of figure (Default value = '') Returns: fig: Matplotlib figure handle """ if xlim is None: xlim = [t_x[0], t_x[-1]] fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) plt.plot(t_x, x, 'k:', linewidth=0.5) plt.plot(t_local_lag, local_lag, 'k', linewidth=3.0) plt.plot(t_local_lag+lag, local_lag, 'r', linewidth=2) plt.title(title) plt.ylim([0, 1.1 * np.max(x)]) plt.xlim(xlim) plt.tight_layout() return fig
# @jit(nopython=True)
[docs]def compute_tempogram_autocorr(x, Fs, N, H, norm_sum=False, Theta=np.arange(30, 601)): """Compute autocorrelation-based tempogram Notebook: C6/C6S2_TempogramAutocorrelation.ipynb Args: x (np.ndarray): Input signal Fs (scalar): Sampling rate N (int): Window length H (int): Hop size norm_sum (bool): Normalizes by the number of summands in local autocorrelation (Default value = False) Theta (np.ndarray): Set of tempi (given in BPM) (Default value = np.arange(30, 601)) Returns: tempogram (np.ndarray): Tempogram tempogram T_coef (np.ndarray): Time axis T_coef (seconds) F_coef_BPM (np.ndarray): Tempo axis F_coef_BPM (BPM) A_cut (np.ndarray): Time-lag representation A_cut (cut according to Theta) F_coef_lag_cut (np.ndarray): Lag axis F_coef_lag_cut """ tempo_min = Theta[0] tempo_max = Theta[-1] lag_min = int(np.ceil(Fs * 60 / tempo_max)) lag_max = int(np.ceil(Fs * 60 / tempo_min)) A, T_coef, F_coef_lag = compute_autocorrelation_local(x, Fs, N, H, norm_sum=norm_sum) A_cut = A[lag_min:lag_max+1, :] F_coef_lag_cut = F_coef_lag[lag_min:lag_max+1] F_coef_BPM_cut = 60 / F_coef_lag_cut F_coef_BPM = Theta tempogram = interp1d(F_coef_BPM_cut, A_cut, kind='linear', axis=0, fill_value='extrapolate')(F_coef_BPM) return tempogram, T_coef, F_coef_BPM, A_cut, F_coef_lag_cut
[docs]def compute_cyclic_tempogram(tempogram, F_coef_BPM, tempo_ref=30, octave_bin=40, octave_num=4): """Compute cyclic tempogram Notebook: C6/C6S2_TempogramCyclic.ipynb Args: tempogram (np.ndarray): Input tempogram F_coef_BPM (np.ndarray): Tempo axis (BPM) tempo_ref (float): Reference tempo (BPM) (Default value = 30) octave_bin (int): Number of bins per tempo octave (Default value = 40) octave_num (int): Number of tempo octaves to be considered (Default value = 4) Returns: tempogram_cyclic (np.ndarray): Cyclic tempogram tempogram_cyclic F_coef_scale (np.ndarray): Tempo axis with regard to scaling parameter tempogram_log (np.ndarray): Tempogram with logarithmic tempo axis F_coef_BPM_log (np.ndarray): Logarithmic tempo axis (BPM) """ F_coef_BPM_log = tempo_ref * np.power(2, np.arange(0, octave_num*octave_bin)/octave_bin) F_coef_scale = np.power(2, np.arange(0, octave_bin)/octave_bin) tempogram_log = interp1d(F_coef_BPM, tempogram, kind='linear', axis=0, fill_value='extrapolate')(F_coef_BPM_log) K = len(F_coef_BPM_log) tempogram_cyclic = np.zeros((octave_bin, tempogram.shape[1])) for m in np.arange(octave_bin): tempogram_cyclic[m, :] = np.mean(tempogram_log[m:K:octave_bin, :], axis=0) return tempogram_cyclic, F_coef_scale, tempogram_log, F_coef_BPM_log
[docs]def set_yticks_tempogram_cyclic(ax, octave_bin, F_coef_scale, num_tick=5): """Set yticks with regard to scaling parmater Notebook: C6/C6S2_TempogramCyclic.ipynb Args: ax (mpl.axes.Axes): Figure axis octave_bin (int): Number of bins per tempo octave F_coef_scale (np.ndarra): Tempo axis with regard to scaling parameter num_tick (int): Number of yticks (Default value = 5) """ yticks = np.arange(0, octave_bin, octave_bin // num_tick) ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(F_coef_scale[yticks].astype((np.unicode_, 4)))
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def compute_plp(X, Fs, L, N, H, Theta): """Compute windowed sinusoid with optimal phase Notebook: C6/C6S3_PredominantLocalPulse.ipynb Args: X (np.ndarray): Fourier-based (complex-valued) tempogram Fs (scalar): Sampling rate L (int): Length of novelty curve N (int): Window length H (int): Hop size Theta (np.ndarray): Set of tempi (given in BPM) Returns: nov_PLP (np.ndarray): PLP function """ win = np.hanning(N) N_left = N // 2 L_left = N_left L_right = N_left L_pad = L + L_left + L_right nov_PLP = np.zeros(L_pad) M = X.shape[1] tempogram = np.abs(X) for n in range(M): k = np.argmax(tempogram[:, n]) tempo = Theta[k] omega = (tempo / 60) / Fs c = X[k, n] phase = - np.angle(c) / (2 * np.pi) t_0 = n * H t_1 = t_0 + N t_kernel = np.arange(t_0, t_1) kernel = win * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (t_kernel * omega - phase)) nov_PLP[t_kernel] = nov_PLP[t_kernel] + kernel nov_PLP = nov_PLP[L_left:L_pad-L_right] nov_PLP[nov_PLP < 0] = 0 return nov_PLP
[docs]def compute_plot_tempogram_plp(fn_wav, Fs=22050, N=500, H=10, Theta=np.arange(30, 601), title='', figsize=(8, 4), plot_maxtempo=False): """Compute and plot Fourier-based tempogram and PLP function Notebook: C6/C6S3_PredominantLocalPulse.ipynb Args: fn_wav: Filename of audio file Fs: Sample rate (Default value = 22050) N: Window size (Default value = 500) H: Hop size (Default value = 10) Theta: Set of tempi (given in BPM) (Default value = np.arange(30, 601)) title: Title of figure (Default value = '') figsize: Figure size (Default value = (8, 4)) plot_maxtempo: Visualize tempo with greatest coefficients in tempogram (Default value = False) """ x, Fs = librosa.load(fn_wav, Fs) nov, Fs_nov = libfmp.c6.compute_novelty_spectrum(x, Fs=Fs, N=2048, H=512, gamma=100, M=10, norm=True) nov, Fs_nov = libfmp.c6.resample_signal(nov, Fs_in=Fs_nov, Fs_out=100) L = len(nov) H = 10 X, T_coef, F_coef_BPM = libfmp.c6.compute_tempogram_fourier(nov, Fs=Fs_nov, N=N, H=H, Theta=Theta) nov_PLP = compute_plp(X, Fs_nov, L, N, H, Theta) tempogram = np.abs(X) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 0.05], 'height_ratios': [2, 1]}, figsize=figsize) libfmp.b.plot_matrix(tempogram, T_coef=T_coef, F_coef=F_coef_BPM, title=title, ax=[ax[0, 0], ax[0, 1]], ylabel='Tempo (BPM)', colorbar=True) if plot_maxtempo: coef_k = np.argmax(tempogram, axis=0) ax[0, 0].plot(T_coef, F_coef_BPM[coef_k], 'r.') t_nov = np.arange(nov.shape[0]) / Fs_nov peaks, properties = signal.find_peaks(nov_PLP, prominence=0.05) peaks_sec = t_nov[peaks] libfmp.b.plot_signal(nov_PLP, Fs_nov, color='k', ax=ax[1, 0]) ax[1, 1].set_axis_off() ax[1, 0].plot(peaks_sec, nov_PLP[peaks], 'ro') x_peaks = librosa.clicks(peaks_sec, sr=Fs, click_freq=1000, length=len(x)) ipd.display(ipd.Audio(x + x_peaks, rate=Fs))