Source code for libfmp.c6.c6s3_beat_tracking

Module: libfmp.c6.c6s3_beat_tracking
Author: Meinard Müller
License: The MIT license,

This file is part of the FMP Notebooks (

import numpy as np
import librosa
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import IPython.display as ipd

import libfmp.b

[docs]def compute_penalty(N, beat_ref): """| Compute penalty funtion used for beat tracking [FMP, Section 6.3.2] | Note: Concatenation of '0' because of Python indexing conventions Notebook: C6/C6S3_BeatTracking.ipynb Args: N (int): Length of vector representing penalty function beat_ref (int): Reference beat period (given in samples) Returns: penalty (np.ndarray): Penalty function """ t = np.arange(1, N) / beat_ref penalty = -np.square(np.log2(t)) t = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), t)) penalty = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), penalty)) return penalty
[docs]def compute_beat_sequence(novelty, beat_ref, penalty=None, factor=1.0, return_all=False): """| Compute beat sequence using dynamic programming [FMP, Section 6.3.2] | Note: Concatenation of '0' because of Python indexing conventions Notebook: C6/C6S3_BeatTracking.ipynb Args: novelty (np.ndarray): Novelty function beat_ref (int): Reference beat period penalty (np.ndarray): Penalty function (Default value = None) factor (float): Weight parameter for adjusting the penalty (Default value = 1.0) return_all (bool): Return details (Default value = False) Returns: B (np.ndarray): Optimal beat sequence D (np.ndarray): Accumulated score P (np.ndarray): Maximization information """ N = len(novelty) if penalty is None: penalty = compute_penalty(N, beat_ref) penalty = penalty * factor novelty = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), novelty)) D = np.zeros(N+1) P = np.zeros(N+1, dtype=int) D[1] = novelty[1] P[1] = 0 # forward calculation for n in range(2, N+1): m_indices = np.arange(1, n) scores = D[m_indices] + penalty[n-m_indices] maxium = np.max(scores) if maxium <= 0: D[n] = novelty[n] P[n] = 0 else: D[n] = novelty[n] + maxium P[n] = np.argmax(scores) + 1 # backtracking B = np.zeros(N, dtype=int) k = 0 B[k] = np.argmax(D) while P[B[k]] != 0: k = k+1 B[k] = P[B[k-1]] B = B[0:k+1] B = B[::-1] B = B - 1 if return_all: return B, D, P else: return B
[docs]def beat_period_to_tempo(beat, Fs): """Convert beat period (samples) to tempo (BPM) [FMP, Section 6.3.2] Notebook: C6/C6S3_BeatTracking.ipynb Args: beat (int): Beat period (samples) Fs (scalar): Sample rate Returns: tempo (float): Tempo (BPM) """ tempo = 60 / (beat / Fs) return tempo
[docs]def compute_plot_sonify_beat(x, Fs, nov, Fs_nov, beat_ref, factor, title=None, figsize=(6, 2)): """Compute, plot, and sonify beat sequence from novelty function [FMP, Section 6.3.2] Notebook: C6/C6S3_BeatTracking.ipynb Args: x: Novelty function Fs: Sample rate nov: Novelty function Fs_nov: Rate of novelty function beat_ref: Reference beat period factor: Weight parameter for adjusting the penalty title: Title of figure (Default value = None) figsize: Size of figure (Default value = (6, 2)) """ B = compute_beat_sequence(nov, beat_ref=beat_ref, factor=factor) beats = np.zeros(len(nov)) beats[np.array(B, dtype=np.int32)] = 1 if title is None: tempo = beat_period_to_tempo(beat_ref, Fs_nov) title = (r'Optimal beat sequence ($\hat{\delta}=%d$, $F_\mathrm{s}=%d$, ' r'$\hat{\tau}=%0.0f$ BPM, $\lambda=%0.2f$)' % (beat_ref, Fs_nov, tempo, factor)) fig, ax, line = libfmp.b.plot_signal(nov, Fs_nov, color='k', title=title, figsize=figsize) T_coef = np.arange(nov.shape[0]) / Fs_nov ax.plot(T_coef, beats, ':r', linewidth=1) beats_sec = T_coef[B] x_peaks = librosa.clicks(beats_sec, sr=Fs, click_freq=1000, length=len(x)) ipd.display(ipd.Audio(x + x_peaks, rate=Fs))